Books by Katie Johnson
DOING WORDS: Using the Creative Power of Children’s Personal Images to Teach Reading and Writing
An irresistible book for both parents and teachers, Doing Words shows how to capture the magic of children's creativity, how each child’s own passions and interests can be honored and celebrated, with reading, printing, learning the alphabet, and building community all included in their work. “A few years ago, in a graduate writing course, I met a fellow teacher who changed my life. She taught me to love teaching children to write. ‘You start with words,’ she said. ‘Draw from the children the words they really care about, Key words that are the captions for their inner visions. Then you tap into the power of those words.’ Because the children choose the words themselves, they care. They own the words.” |
MORE THAN WORDS: Child-Centered Lessons for Connecting Life and Literacy
Enrich your teaching techniques with strategies for connecting reading, writing, and literature to your students’ personal experiences. More Than Words gives practical and easy-to-relate-to examples of how to bring a whole-language approach to your classroom |
READING INTO WRITING: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Writing to Children
Covering the forms, genres, and traits of elementary school writing instruction, Reading Into Writing is a how-to book of lessons for teachers of grades K-6 that includes excerpts from both literature for children and writings by children. “To master any art, the aspiring artist knows to study the masters who came before. For teachers and children, how to do that in the craft of writing is deliciously offered in Reading Into Writing. This book is filled with the excitement of children’s voices as they recognize how writers write and how they can use literature to write well, too. In Reading Into Writing, Katie Johnson brings wit and wisdom to classroom practices that give children confidence in and ownership of their own writing.” |
RED FLAGS for Primary Teachers: 27 Neurodevelopmental and Vision Issues that Affect Learning with Activities to Help
“Reading the handbook Katie Johnson has put together should inspire you to broaden your insight through informed observation. You will find numerous case examples of children who are going about their day-to-day learning in the classroom in a very inefficient manner. Katie is able to share her observations based on her explorations into BrainDance, Brain Gym®, and Optometric Vision Therapy.” |
RED FLAGS for Elementary Teachers: Neurodevelopmental and Vision Issues that Affect Learning with Activities to Help
“Every teacher and many parents have had students who struggle win school. Red Flags is a must-read to find out what to watch for and what to do to take students from frustrated to eager, from just compensating to thriving. Read this book to help change a student’s life.” |